Stella paints to spread message on environment
The graffiti-laden walls of Stella Maris College wore a whitewashed look yesterday. A noble message spearheaded by the students, they started the ‘Hope for the World’ project, a mural painting initiative with an environmental theme. Supported by Gallery Veda, the outer walls of the college have been turned into canvasses for the students to create environmental and folk-art inspired paintings.
Inspiration often strikes in the most bizarre of ways
For artist Kazhakuttam Saji, it was a moment of clumsiness in which he dropped a glass tumbler that led him to take up glass mural painting, an art that he has now perfected. Saji, who has been doing oil paintings for the past fifteen years, painted on one side of a broken glass piece and […]
Mural holds neighborhood together after murder in West Oakland
West Street underneath the 580 freeway in West Oakland isn’t big, but it’s busy: the onramp is right here. About 10 feet off the ground, David Burke is perched on scaffolding with a paintbrush in his hand, right in front of a block-long mural. “I’ve lived here for 15 years,” he says. “This is my […]