Among Lord Vishnu’s Dashavatara, the Varaha avatar is the boar incarnation wherein he rescues Mother Earth(Bhudevi) from the harmful clutches of a demon king named Hiranyaksha. In the story, Lord Vishnu, in the form of Varaha, descended into the ocean to rescue Bhudevi (the earth) from demon king Hiranyaksha who stole her and hid her […]

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Among the 10 incarnations of Vishnu, the Kurma avatar is also considered to be one of the most important avatars of Vishnu. Kurma is the tortoise incarnation of Lord Vishnu, who appeared to help the devas (gods) and asuras (demons) in the churning of the cosmic ocean of milk (Ksheera Sagara) to obtain the nectar […]

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Lord Vishnu is one of the principal deities in Hinduism and is known as the preserver of the universe. He is often depicted as holding a conch shell and a discus(Sudarshana Chakra) and is usually shown with four arms. Vishnu is considered the second god in the Hindu trinity, alongside Brahma (the creator) and Shiva […]

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Gajendra Moksha (Sanskrit: गजेन्द्रमोक्षः) or The Liberation of Gajendra is a Puranic legend from the 8th Skandha of the Bhāgavata Purāṇa, a sacred text in Hinduism. It is one of the famous exploits of the preserver deity, Vishnu. In this episode, Vishnu came down to earth to protect Gajendra, the elephant, from the clutches of a crocodile, alternatively known as Makara or Huhu, and with Vishnu’s […]

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Egyptian art and architecture, the ancient architectural monuments, sculptures, paintings, and applied crafts produced mainly during the dynastic periods of the first three millennia BCE in the Nile valley regions of Egypt and Nubia. The course of art in Egypt par alleled to a large extent the country’s political history, but it depended as well on the entrenched belief in […]

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Kerala mural painting is a traditional form of art that originated in the state of Kerala, India. The murals are typically created on walls and depict mythological themes, gods, goddesses, and other cultural motifs. The process of preparing a wall for a Kerala mural involves several steps. Here’s a general guide: Surface Preparation: Start by […]

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Exploring the Enchanting World of Kerala Mural Painting

The art forms of India have captivated the world with their vivid colors, intricate details, and cultural significance. Among these treasures is Kerala Mural Painting, a unique and ancient form of art that originated in the southern state of Kerala. With its rich history, vibrant hues, and distinctive style, Kerala Mural Painting continues to mesmerize […]

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Ajanta is the only surviving example of painting of the first century BCE and the fifth century CE. The subject matter of these paintings is almost exclusively Buddhist, excepting decorative patterns on the ceilings and the pillars. They are mostly associated with the Jataka, collection of stories, recording the previous births of the Lord Buddha. Notable specimens […]

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Traditional Thai painting is an ancient art form that has been passed down through generations in Thailand. The art form evolved through the Sukhothai, Ayutthaya, and Rattanakosin periods, with each era contributing unique elements to the style. The paintings typically feature flat images with lines as the main boundaries, and use secondary elements such as […]

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There was once an elephant named Gajendra who lived in a garden called Ṛtumat, which was created by Varuna. This garden was located on Mount Trikuta, the “Three-Peaked Mountain”. Gajendra ruled over all the other elephants in the herd. One day, as usual, he went to the lake near by to pick lotus flowers to offer prayer […]

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